Sunday, August 3, 2014

Tap into Your Creativity


Creativity can be tapped into no matter what your surroundings are.  Your creativity can be accessed in the basement of your home, a local coffee shop, and your local bookstore.  It can be tapped into in the comfort of familiar surroundings or in the exploration of the unknown.  I find that creativity is best accessed through a level of total and complete presence.  I remember when I first started writing.  It was a painful experience.  It took me forever to get started and even longer to create content and near impossible to tie everything together into a message that moved me to a point of where I felt proud about what I created.  I certainly did not enjoy the process and liked even less the eventual outcome.   Then I remember when everything seemed to come together.  It was when I focused less and less on looking good and creating the perfect message and became more present and vulnerable to what I really wanted people to take away from this conversation we were going to have together.  I thought about what was struggling with and what epiphanies have I experienced and how I could share them in a way that would really make a difference in other people’s lives.  Once I became present to the moment and vulnerable to a point where I was not afraid of what people would think about me, my fingers would move and the words would appear on the page as if they didn’t even belong to me.  It was as if the message was coming through me rather than from me. 

When we are present and vulnerable, we are able to tap into places of creativity that could never be accessed otherwise.  The solutions to problems we face in our everyday lives seem to magically appear, yet were always there waiting to be tapped into.  I encourage everyone to write on a regular basis about anything that is important to you.  It is an amazing exercise on discipline, presence, vulnerability, and creativity.  You don’t even need to let anyone read it but the focus should be on getting to a place where words just seem to flow onto the page.  It is an amazing exercise that will benefit you in ways you can’t possibly imagine without experiencing it firsthand.  The journey is long.  The path is bumpy.  Be prepared to be frustrated.  But also know the road is going to lead to a place that very few people ever really reach – the heart, soul, and essence of your life. 


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