Sunday, August 24, 2014

Getting Stuff Done - Part 2...

Private villa in Phuket testing out our new toys
We ALL have the same limited resources of time and energy.  How is it that some people get an extraordinary amount of work accomplished whereas others seem to go years without a single check mark on their life goals' list?  The problem is most people never take action.  Now there are 2 big reasons people never take action: they have impotent goals or they become so overwhelmed with the magnitude of their goals that they never begin.  I want to address the second one with you today and we will address the first one next time.  It is amazing what you can accomplish when you implement the second step of "Getting Stuff Done"...

Chunk It All Down

The idea of writing a book is daunting and formidable when you think of having to write 150-200 pages.  The questions and insecurities start to pile in thinking there is no way I will have the shear amount of information to create that much content for people.  But when you chunk it down into really small bites, it makes the impossible seem almost easy.  This is something I have been talking about doing for the last 5 years yet never started it because it seemed like way too big of an undertaking.  I figured there would always be time later.  I realized if I write a minimum of 1 page in my book every morning that in 6 months I would have a 180 page book.  I could half that to 3 months if I just wrote 2 pages per day.  I also wanted to really work on my handstands and flexibility so I also spend at least 15-20 minutes every morning stretching and practicing my handstands.  That comes out to 1.5-2 hrs per week of stretching and handstand practice.  Getting stuff done is not as scary as you might have thought when you just create the discipline to chunk things down. 

The reality is the first 2 steps or not usually the challenge. The real challenge is creating a powerful enough REASON to wake up early and chunk things down.  We must have a big enough WHY or a big and inspiring enough GOAL to want to take the time, as little as it might be, to wake up early and chunk things down into easy, actionable steps which leads me to step number three which really is the first step that must be completed for any of this to work....


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