Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Bali Experience

Singing on the beach in Nusa Dua and "enjoying the moment"

I find that the two things I do best on a plane are reading and sleeping, and usually the former leads to the latter.  I figured before I fell asleep, I should pull out my iPad and reflect on a great weekend in Bali, “The Island of Gods.”

I have been to Bali four times and I always stay in a new area.  I love to explore and experience new things so when a friend of mine from high school who I have not seen in 15 years invited me to visit her on her Bali trip, I just couldn’t turn down the offer.  As much as I love and look forward to holidays, they prove to be a challenge for me in that I have a hard time shutting my brain off and recharging.  Usually there is some uneasiness the first day as I acclimate myself to doing nothing.  This trip was no different. This uneasiness used to last for the entire trip whereas now, it fades off rather quickly.  In the past, whenever I felt the uneasiness that inevitably surfaces when in an unfamiliar or uncomfortable situation, I would fight and resist it.  I would judge myself for feeling a certain way and I would try to resist it adamantly and fervently.  All this did was intensify the feelings of uneasiness and it would continue.  A powerful distinction I have realized is that which we resist, persists.  Anything that we resist in our life continues, especially emotions, and the very act of resisting is what adds fuel to the emotion.  It is perfectly logical to conclude that we should resist an emotion that we do not like in the hopes it will change, but in actuality, the only way to dissolve an emotion is to fully accept it presence in our life and NOT try to change it.  Emotions can’t exist in full presence and acceptance of things exactly as they are without feeling the need to change it.  As I practiced this, the uneasiness dissolved and I had a fantastic weekend of relaxing, eating, beach, yoga, and exercising.  I did very little of any measurable value like reading or writing or business (other than this of course which I am writing on the plane back to Singapore so it doesn’t count! LOL).  What I did do, however, was connect with an old friend and enjoy each moment.  I enjoyed the beach and sun.  I enjoyed great food and fantastic company.  I met and enjoyed the presence of other guests from all around the world.  I had deep conversations about life which reinforced my purpose which is being of outrageous service to others in helping them to transform their life and realize their full potential for being alive, happy, and fulfilled.  The value of these experiences are beyond measure.

When we welcome change and discomfort into our lives, we see it coming from a friendly place that provides us with the circumstances to evolve and grow.  When we see every experience as good because it creates the space to grow and learn, life becomes a fun adventure.  And fun adventures make life worth living.


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