Sunday, July 13, 2014

Do you have courage?

Yoga at The Farm in the Philippines

I find it very interesting that when you commit your life to growing, opportunities for growth occur on a daily basis whether you are looking for it or not.  Today was no exception. 

It all started last weekend when I went back to a yoga class I have not been to for a while.  It has always been one of my favorite studios but I just lost touch for a while.  I decided to go back last Sunday and it turned out to be a beautiful practice.  At the end of the class, it was announced the following week we would be focusing on arm balances – my specialty.  Ask me to touch my toes, and you’ll see a struggle as if my life depended on it, but ask me to hold handstands and other arm balancing exercises and that is where I shine.  I was looking forward to it all week.  As I arrived at class today ready to showcase my talents, my expectations were not even close to being met.  Not only did we not do arm balances, but the focus was switched to my 2 worst exercises: forward bends and hip openers.  I found myself annoyed and frustrated.  I found myself questioning why I even attended the class.  I found myself judging the class as a waste of time because it was not what I was expecting.  Then the theme of the class was shared and I quickly realized it was EXACTLY what I needed.

The theme of the class was courage.  Not the loud roaring courage but the silent courage that comes from a place of self-love and self-respect that says I am going to stay in a space that may not feel good or feel comfortable because it is exactly where I need to be.  It is a space that allows for love to flow even in trying or challenging times and says that tomorrow is a new day.  It is a courage that only happens when you soften your heart and your spirit and allow life to flow. 

As I struggled to touch my toes all class and found my mind racing, I realized the things we struggle with must be faced in order for us to grow.  We will only grow so much if we only focus on our strengths.  In order to really transform, we must face the places that scare us, that embarrass us, and that challenge us.  We must face the places that make us feel unsettled, insecure, and inferior.  Only then can we demonstrate true courage and only then can we truly experience life in all its beauty and magnitude.



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