Sunday, May 11, 2014

Are you committed or are you attached?

Health talk at my office
The answer to this question is LIFE CHANGING.  I lived a large portion of my life full of attachments. Everything about my life, my wellbeing, and my happiness was attached to things or people.  I was attached to outcomes and to results from other people.  My life was very dependent on the perception of others, how things would turn out, or even the fear of how things would turn out.  I remember when I was scared to do public speaking because I was attached to whether or not people would like me. I was afraid to be vulnerable and reveal my true self because I was attached to people’s opinions of me.  I was afraid to take risks and welcome challenges into my life because I was attached to a very specific outcome.  I would give with expectations of receiving something and that something was very specific in every situation and there was no wavering from that.  Would you like to know the key to being UNHAPPY? Create rules and attachments that are so strict and stringent that they allow for no flexibility or adaptation.  Attach your happiness to the opinions of others. See yourself as a failure if achieve anything other than perfection.  It is when I started to shift my life from attachments to commitments that my life really transformed.

When you commit to something, you are focused on the process and the outcome from an internal perspective, not an external perspective.  What I mean is this – success and happiness is an inside job.  When I do a presentation or a lecture, rather than attaching myself to what the group will think about me, I commit myself to delivering the most powerful and empowering message I have ever delivered.  I have control over my commitment to give my all, to prepare, and to be fully present.  I have no control over how people are going to perceive me.  It is a useless emotion to attach myself to that.

Last week, we had our largest new patient health class to date.  We even had to go borrow chairs from other businesses in our area to accommodate everyone.  It was very exciting.  It is a class I am incredibly proud of and I KNOW the information is life changing.  In the past I would have been so concerned with whether or not the people would like me, like the information, and feel good about the talk.  Last week, rather then focus on the things I could not control, I decided to commit myself to giving everyone there everything I had.  I committed to focus on the delivery of the talk from the perspective of the answer to this one question, “What if everyone in the audience’s life was dependent on this one hour lecture and the information would literally change the present and future of the lives of themselves and the lives of their families?”  I had no other option than to commit myself to being fully present, connected, and passionate about every one of the 60 minutes I had with these people. 

What if we structured our life where we banished all attachments and committed ourselves instead to serving the highest versions of ourselves in every relationship, every business, every workout, and every single thing in our lives?  This may sound exhausting, but I promise, paradoxically, it adds a new dimension of energy, vigor, and excitement that so few people ever truly tap into.

What are you going to commit to today?


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