Tuesday, November 12, 2013

My 100 page Lifebook...

Working on my Lifebook in Chiang Mai, Thailand

For the past 3 months, my mastermind group has dedicated ourselves to working on our Lifebook.  It is a program we broke up into 12 weekly sections where we visioneer our ideal life. Not in a “wishful thinking” type of way but more in a “this is what I am going to create” type of way.  In the end my Lifebook is over 100 pages of pictures, visions, and strategies for creating my dream life.  It is meant for inspiration but there is also the pragmatic side of strategizing its attainment.  As I was completing my last section, it was asking to create my life 5 years from now.  Where would I be physically, mentally, socially, emotionally, and financially?  What would I have created and what am I going to create? What would my life look like? That is when the doubt started to kick in.  That is when I started to dream up some magnificent dreams, but my rational side would start to say, “That is not possible” and “You are not good enough.” I have a dream to speak to crowds of thousands all over the world inspiring them to live the life of their dreams.  My negative voice would tell me, “I do not have what it takes.  Do you really think you are as good as Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, and Mark Victor Hansen?” I want to create products that people could use in the comfort of their own home and computer to create and manifest amazing things in their life? My negative voice kicks in and asks “Do you really think you are as good as Deepak Chopra, Oprah Winfrey, and Jeff Bezos?” I want to create a foundation that serves underprivileged communities and families, helps them get back on their feet, and gives children a head start in life, but my negative voice asks, “Do you really think you are going to be powerful enough and influential enough to do that?”  I want to travel all around the world for months at a time or even years, but my negative voice asks, “Is that really practical? Will you really have the time?” 

We all have this negative voice.  We all have this voice that tells us we aren’t good enough; we aren’t powerful enough; and we aren’t smart enough.  We have this voice that likes to tell us to play small and play it safe.  This little voice is our ego afraid of failing; afraid of becoming bruised; afraid of being damaged.  This little voice knows if it can just convince us to play small, we will never have to worry about failing.  The reality is that if I listened to this voice I never would’ve moved across the world, built the practice of my dreams, and traveled to some of the most exotic locations around the world.  The truth is if I let that little voice run my life I never would’ve left the comfort of my hometown and explored the vast and unknown of the world.  From time to time that voice continues to creep its way back and what I realize is that my vision, my passion, my circle of influence, and my intention must be louder than that little voice.  That little voice is never going to disappear so we all have to learn how to create a relationship with it and use it like the dim light of the moon.  It doesn’t guide us where we need to go but it does provide us with the light to be aware of our surroundings.  It provides just enough protection to not be dangerous, but we certainly shouldn’t be directed by it.

I remember very distinctly when I was getting ready to graduate from chiropractic school, living in China with barely enough money to eat, and writing out my dreams in a little red journal.  I was laughing at the absurdity of what I said I was going to create in the next 5 years.  I thought it was almost silly that I thought I could create something like that in such a sort amount of time.  That was the little voice rearing its head again.  But I figured it couldn’t hurt to dream!  I just went through that journal the other day, almost exactly 5 years later than when I wrote it and was blown away by how much of those things actually came true; some of which I far exceeded.

As I sit here now laughing with disbelief at my next 5-year goals, I can’t help but wonder “What if?” What if this is just the beginning? What if that little voice doesn’t know what it is talking about? What if I am powerful beyond what I ever imagined? 

And the question I would love for you to ask yourself is “What if you are too?”


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