Thursday, November 28, 2013

It is never too late!

Marina Bay, Singapore

What will it take for you to feel like you're really happy? Have you even thought about it before or are you just plugging along on the hamster wheel that is life? I am an observer of people. I love to watch people, study people, read people, and see what really makes people tick. I look around and see people who are really happy and fulfilled and others who say the only good thing about Monday is that it is only five more days until the weekend. You get the point right? I see people that handcuff themselves to a job they hate or a relationship they feel miserable in for decades or even a lifetime. I also see people who are chasing their dreams. I choose to surround myself with people that inspire me. One of my close friends is giving up an extraordinary income and a great job to chase his dream of traveling around the world. I have another close friend who just opened up his own chiropractic practice from scratch with an amazing amount of hard work and determination to transform his community. I have another close friend who is expanding his practice by leaps and bounds while keeping in great shape and building a great new marriage. I have another close friend who gave up his chiropractic practice in a foreign country making a great income to move to a place to start over because he saw more potential for fulfillment and enjoyment in his life. All of these individuals have taken huge risks in their life and have been rewarded immensely in the process. I, for one, gave up a great job near my family and sold everything and moved to the other side of the world with nothing but a couple of bags and a huge desire to create.

Unfortunately, I also see people miserable in their lives. I observe people who are broke, unhappy, and unfulfilled. I see people who are in a job they hate, making money that they can barely survive on, and going home to a relationship they do not feel fulfilled in, and a mirror they don't feel comfortable looking in. It breaks my heart to see people living like that. They just keep walking on the hamster wheel hoping for something to come along and save them from their life, or even worse, giving up all hope and giving in to a life they don't enjoy.

The reality is that many of us fall somewhere in between the "I have everything figured out and am living my dream life" and "I hate my life and I am living a miserable existence." From what I observe, we are much farther away from the first one than many of us would like to be. We get comfortable. We get complacent. We just give up. We give up on a life we would love for the life we have. We budget rather than create abundance. We settle rather than explore. We accept mediocrity rather than chase greatness.

Would you like to travel more? It really isn't as expensive as you might think if you do it right. Would you like to start a blog or a website about your passion? Do it. It's free! Would you like to start that new business you have always dreamed about? When it's your passion, it doesn't feel much like work. Would you like to learn to dance or speak a foreign language? Fei chang hao! Would you like to live in a foreign country, move to Hawaii, or even relocate to the other side of town? If the will or desire is strong enough, you can make it happen.

Learn to become a child and dream again. Dream big dreams and place massive action behind those dreams. Maybe you have a family and can't uproot your whole life just yet, you still can learn to dance, speak a foreign language, start a blog, take a trip to a really cool location, and the list goes on. Get out there and chase your dreams. You can thank me for it later.


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