Tuesday, April 2, 2013

What if you knew you could not fail?

What would your life look like if you woke up every morning with the belief, no, the knowing, that miracles were going to occur in your life?  How would your attitude change if you held the intention that love, abundance, and peace was waiting for you just around the corner?  What would you do today if you knew you could not fail? The truth is that it is impossible to fail.  It is impossible to not have miracles occur in your life.  And it is impossible to not be surrounded by love, abundance, and peace.  It all comes down to perspective.  Many of us live our lives in the past or the future.  We obsess about past mistakes or occurrences and/or we worry about what the future is going to hold for us.  We live by the "if/then" mantra.  If I make more money, then I will be happy.  If I find the right person, then I will experience more love.  If I get a better job, then I will be more fulfilled.  If I can just get figure out my whole life, then I will have more peace.  There are two problems with the "if/then" mantra. Number one is we are living from the outside in.  We are basing our life's fulfillment and happiness on outside circumstances and other people.  Number two is that even if we happen to get what we think we are looking for, there is always more.  There is always more money to be made, more love to experience, and better jobs to be had.  Which only leaves us with fleeting senses of happiness, fulfillment, and love which are none of those things at all in actuality.  True happiness, fulfillment, and love are omniscient and all pervading parts of our very being.  They are not things that can be experienced in moments of extrinsic fulfillment.  They are only things that can be experienced intrinsically at our core.  Love and happiness are not things that you get.  They are things that you choose.  Whether you are single or in a relationship, it is a choice to experience love.  Whether you have lots of money or very little, it is a choice to feel abundant.  Whether you are a street sweeper or a CEO, it is a choice to feel fulfilled.  The beauty is when we can find fulfillment in the little things.  When we can find love, fulfillment, and happiness in a cup of coffee, a book, or even a challenge in our life, we shed our layers of crap and open ourselves up to the gifts that life has to offer.  When we can look at a challenge, be grateful for it, see the love in it, and ask G-d to not free us from a challenge until we have learned everything we need to learn to grow into the person we would love to become, we begin to manifest the life of our dreams.  When we live with the belief that everything that happens is exactly what is supposed to happen to lead us in the direction of our destiny, we connect more and more the source of all things and the more we can connect with that source, the higher we raise the frequency at which we vibrate, and the more we become co-creators of our life.

What would your life look like if you were literally grateful for everything? How would you feel if you held the impenetrable belief that literally everything that happened in your life was serving you in the best way possible?  The way we do this is by softening our hearts and opening up to the two most powerful things in the universe: love and gratitude. As Pierre Tielhard de Chardin once said, "The conclusion is always the same:  Love is the most powerful and still the most unknown energy of the world." Tap into the infiniteness that is love and watch the world transform around you.


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