Sunday, August 4, 2013

Master the Art of Living - Become Outrageously Attractive

Have you ever been in the situation where someone walks into a room, and just by their presence, they shift the entire energy of the room?  How about the speaker who from the moment they open their mouth, they mesmerize the audience with their oratory skills?  How about the person whose charisma and sense of humor is so contagious you can’t help but feel amazing when you are in their presence no matter what kind of a day you are having? Leaders like Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Anthony Robbins, Warren Bennis, Steve Jobs, and many others all possess this unique, yet incredibly powerful trait – they are undeniably and outrageously ATTRACTIVE human beings.  I am not referring to their attraction from a strictly physical perspective, but rather a metaphysical, emotional, and spiritual level.  Attractive people possess a level of confidence and self-esteem that seeps from their pores.  They know who they are, what they want, and what they are willing to do to share their message with the world.  Their presence is mesmerizing and they have a level of knowing of themselves that vibrates with every cell in their being. 

As Martin Luther King Jr said, “A man who does not have something for which he is willing to die is not fit to live.”  This level of confidence and belief in an ideal is something most people would love to create in their life.  When you dedicate your life and your cause to something bigger than yourself, you will get beyond yourself and move mountains to get there.  You will wake up early, stay up late, skip meals, skip parties, put yourself in uncomfortable situations on a regular basis, and have a “do whatever it takes” attitude to become the person you want to be in order to create a lasting impact on the people around you.  Whether your vision is to be the best mother or father for your kids or to be the President/CEO of a Fortune 100 company, the characteristics are uniquely the same – you must be an attractive human being.  You do this by bringing an uncompromising commitment to being present, passionate, and loving in all that you do.  Attractive people don’t have the best bodies.  What they do have is the best hearts.  They have a heart for people.  They have a heart for transformation.  They have a heart for being a role model and living with integrity.  They have a heart for being better tomorrow than they are today.  They have a heart for service and leaving a legacy that will transform humanity, or at the very least, leave a loving legacy for their family and friends. 

Attractive people also have a love for learning and growing.  They have a love to develop themselves and their level of confidence, charisma, and communication so they can leave a deeper impact on the world.  As we walk forward on the path of life, the only thing we leave behind is our footprint.  What do you want your footprint to be?


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