I'll let you in on a little secret. The master is not one who lives a life of perfection and only experiences feelings of joy, love, and prosperity. The master is the one who, in times of turmoil and adversity, can immediately acknowledge her inner wisdom and at that moment, be able to experience a sincere feeling of gratitude for everything; the good and the bad; the pretty and the ugly; the stuff that feels good and the stuff that is physically and emotionally painful. Our character and true nature is not revealed in times of ease and comfort but in times of challenge and fear. It is these times which we need to open our heart to love and gratitude. It is during times when we feel hardened that the greatest growth and joy comes from opening our hearts to our loving nature; to serve the people around us with warmth, caring, and empathy. When we silence ourselves to the noise around us and take a few deep breathes, we can begin to look around and see all the beauty that surrounds us. When we get out of our head and into our heart, we begin to appreciate the laughter of a child, the smile of an elderly person, the passion in a piece of music,the peace in the silence between our thoughts, and the love that is all around us. Every situation is an opportunity for us to make a choice as to how we are going to express our true nature. Sometimes we get it perfect and other times we fail and get the opportunity to try again.
In the grand picture of this universe, we are but a spec among specs. We are an atom among an infinite number of atoms. We can live our lives believing we are insignificant or we can understand a universal truth that nothing in life happens in isolation. Just as a change in one cell in our body can affect the events and expression of a trillion other cells in our body, so can our thoughts, words, and deeds create a ripple effect to alter the course of humanity. You can choose to ignore this truth and go on living as though you are an isolated particle on a path of your own or realize you not only have an impact on yourself but an opportunity to shape the path of humanity. When we start to see the divine presence in all that we do and experience, we begin to shed the layers of darkness around us and express the ultimate nature of ourselves which is one of light and love. As the great artist Michaelangelo once said about how he made his magnificent statue of David, "It is easy. You just chip away the stone that doesn't look like David. I saw an angel in the block of marble and I just chiseled 'til I set him free." We all have a masterpiece that resides inside of us. What is yours going to be?
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