Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Best success tip I ever learned...

You don't need to get inspired. You don't need to get motivated. You don't need to get pushed, shoved, or pulled. You don't need any of these things.  All these things will do is hold you back. You see, when you get inspired, it wears out. When you get motivated, you need to keep looking for that thing to keep motivating you.  When you are pushed, shoved, or pulled and one of those stop, you stop.  At this point you are probably asking, "What do I need then? People have always told me I need to get inspired." Wrong, what you really need is to BECOME INSPIRATION. Let me give you an example.  We have all heard the phrase, Get Fired Up. Then what happens? Unless you keep the stimulus around, your fired sizzles out.  On the other hand, if you become FIRE, you light up everything around you.  People travel from near and far to watch you burn.  They seek you out and opportunities show up at your door because people want a piece of your fire.  It's a simple distinction, yet a very powerful one.  When you get inspired, it wears out because it is only a trait, usually temporary, that you possess.  But when you become inspiration, it is now your new identity.  It isn't just a trait you possess so it is impossible to lose it.  It is the new you!  Let me give you another example.  I love to work out.  If I go more than a day without exercising, it drives me crazy.  Yoga, Crossfit, hiking, paddle boarding, rowing, whatever.  I have to do something everyday to move my body.  I don't need to get motivated or inspired to workout.  It is just who I am.  At this point, it is ingrained in my DNA.  You would have to push me to not work out, and good luck with that! That would be like me trying to get you to stop brushing your teeth.  It's not going to happen.  Because it has become a part of who I am.  It is a part of my identity.  I am the same way with chiropractic.  I will be adjusted regularly for the rest of my life in order to continuously express my true innate potential. I wouldn't even move to a place if there was not a chiropractor because it is a part of who I am.  On the other hand, I am not the same with my meditation practice.  I have to motivate and inspire myself every morning to meditate.  It is not yet a part of my identity.  Until it is, it is going to be a process to continuously motivate and inspire myself to perform my meditation practice.  

Life will never be easy. It is a constant process of challenge, growth, and evolution if you want to fully experience the best version of yourself.  Although life will never be easy, there are key things we can do to make it easier and more enjoyable.  One way is becoming fire.  Become inspiration.  Be a role model.  Be the person who the people you love the most would be proud of.  And I am not just talking about out in the open for people to see.  It is easy to demonstrate kindness and motivation when you know people are watching.  I am talking about even behind closed doors, in your private life, in your relationships and time with yourself, and in the privacy of your own home, are you living a life you would be proud to display for the world to see?  This is the key.  When you begin to live your life congruent with your highest values; when eliminate contradictions from your life; when you constantly display the highest versions of yourself, even when no one is looking; this is when you begin to truly unlock the amazing treasures of your life.  Now get out there and light the world on fire!

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