Sunday, January 27, 2013

The life of your dreams begins with this...

If you are reading this, you are probably a little crazy just like me.  You live your life outside the box.  You live life with a genuine and intense curiosity for meaning and fulfillment in this relative short period of time you have on this earth to share with others.  You challenge the status quo. You expect more of yourself than anyone can ever possibly expect of you.  You are always searching for ways to better yourself and take your life to the next level as well as deeply admire those that share that same passion. You are enthusiastic about excellence and have love and passion coursing through your veins.  Because of this passion for excellence and growth, you seem to always confront the omnipresent companion of growth, which is challenge.  Growth and challenge are partners in this journey called life. You can't have growth without challenge, and you can't have challenge without an equal opportunity for growth.  How you seize opportunities, handle set backs or challenges, or similarly create realities out of your dreams all come down to one common denominator..... Communication.  How we communicate with ourselves and with others.  

Every moment of every day we are communicating with ourselves and with others.  Even right now you are thinking and communicating with yourself whether or not you agree with what you are reading on this very page.  While you are brushing your teeth, if you really pay attention, you will find thoughts are coursing through your brain. These thoughts with yourself and communications with others are either bringing us toward peace and harmony or chaos and destruction; we are either asking empowering questions and making empowering distinctions, or we are making evaluations causing our self esteem to break down and energy to lessen; either we are opening our awareness to how we can love more, live with more integrity, and share more compassion with others, or we are blinding ourselves to the reality of our lives and living with a pair of blinders on.  We have thousands and thousands of thoughts we think every single day.  We have hundreds of communications every day with the people around us.  How much of it are you conscious to? How many of those thoughts with yourself and communications with others are you even aware of?  How many empowering thoughts have you had today versus how many destructive thoughts have you had? Out of all of your conversations with others today, did they leave empowered and loved after speaking with you or deflated and drained? I know this may seem like an arduous and almost impossible task to complete, but I assure you, it will change your life like nothing else will.  When you begin to take inventory of your communication with yourself and with others, you begin to recognize patterns.  You begin to see trends in how you handle situations and the moment to moment thoughts that eventually create your reality.  As you think so shall you become.  As you communicate and relate to others so aVshall you see the quality of your life improve.  Do you want to know how to truly transform the life of yourself and others? Do you want to know how to create a life others only dream about? Monitor the moment to moment thoughts that are circulating in your mind and begin to make more empowering and powerful distinctions.  Then monitor your conversations with others and ask how you can bring more love, contribution, and compassion to the people you are interacting with.  If you begin with this sense of conscious awareness to living, and take action on the distinctions that surface out of this awareness, you will unlock the potential inside of you to experience the hidden gifts you possess, and more importantly, have the ability to share those gifts with the people around you to dramatically influence their lives in a positive way.  


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