Friday, January 7, 2011

Make 2011 Your Best Year Yet!

It is the New Year and it marks a new opportunity begin life anew. There is something mystical and almost magical about January 1. Every day, every minute, and every moment is unique yet January 1 is the day that most people choose to wipe the slate clean and start their life fresh. Many people use January 1 to make lofty, unrealistic goals with very little commitment and hope for this year to be better than the last. To many people’s dismay, the goals and commitments are thrown out the window within a few weeks and the ensuing year turns out to be nothing but a repetition of the year before. There are certain things you can do to ensure this year will be different; to set the bar higher than you ever have and give yourself a greater chance at meeting or even exceeding your mark.

#1: Set goals and make commitments to things that you can become outrageously passionate about. Passion is the fuel that drives success. No one has ever built a successful life on things that were not important and passionate to them. This may take some time but I believe it is the most powerful key to making this year your best one yet! Find your passion and let it guide you.

#2: Be flexible! They say there are two sure things in life: death and taxes. I’d like to add a third….change! Life is always changing and either you adapt or perish. Those are your only options. It isn’t a choice on whether to embrace change or not. If you want to be successful, you MUST embrace change. You must thrive on it. Your goals are like a road map. If you are on a road trip from NY to Texas, it is very unlikely you will make it there without a detour, a flat tire, some traffic, or moments of frustration and despair. The fact is though, if you have a map, it is much easier to get back on track and meet your destination or goal. Let your goals guide you but always be open to change!

#3: Surround yourself with amazing people who hold you accountable and call you to something greater. You are the sum of the six people you spend the most time with. Does your circle of influence built you up or tear you down? Do they encourage creativity and hard work or do they breed stagnation and apathy? Do they challenge you and provide you with a level of unconditional love and acceptance or is their love and acceptance conditional and their support inconsistent? Take inventory of your friends because it may be the most powerful thing you do to grow your success and your life.

Now go out and make 2011 your best year yet!!

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