Monday, January 10, 2011

Life-Changing Lessons from 2010

Before we can begin to look forward and set new goals and make new commitments for 2011, it is only prudent to examine and recap the past year. We need to look at the good and the bad, the tears and the laughter, the depression and the joy, and the pleasurable experiences as well as the painful ones. The last year has certainly been a rollercoaster and I would not have it any other way. Here are my life lessons learned from 2010: work hard and play harder, worry less because in a moment or two things change, love more, judge and criticize less, emulate little kids if I really want to know pure joy, watch less television and read more, cultivate my spirituality, spend time and savor the moments with loved ones because I never know how much time I’ll have left with them, no matter what never go to bed without kissing my significant other and telling her how much she means to me, compliments build bridges whereas sarcasm and negative comments build walls, lighten up and stop taking things so seriously, become outrageously passionate about living, look people in the eye and become genuinely interested in them and their life, take a leap of faith into the unknown and reap the rewards of an abundance universe, in a fast paced world be present to my surroundings and the people around me and I will amaze myself at how life seems to transform for the better, take risks and go out on a limb because that is where the fruit is, live MY life and not someone else’s life, and be true to myself and my highest values.

Life is not designed be always be fun. It is not designed to be easy and only filled with roses and chocolate covered strawberries. Life is meant to be lived. Life is meant to be experienced. You can’t know up without down. You can’t know joy without sadness and you can’t know success without setbacks. Some of you may have had the greatest year of your lives and others may have had the worst year of your lives. How should you feel about it? Be grateful! Gratitude is the currency that cultivates happiness, fulfillment, and present-ness. For those who had a phenomenal year, good for you but the year is over. Now it is time to think about what you are going to do for your life this year to make THIS year the best. For those of you who had a terrible year, show gratitude for the lessons that life has taught you and put together a game plan to make this year the best year of your life. You can change your life in an instant and it all begins with a single choice.

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