Monday, July 12, 2010

Creating a Heaven on Earth

Have you ever had a time where you are all by yourself driving in the car and your favorite song comes on the radio? You first look out the window to make sure nobody is around who may be able to see what you are about to do? Once you determine it is safe and it is just you and your favorite song, you let loose! You begin to sing at the top of your lungs with a tone and a rhythm that would make a deaf person cover their ears but you don’t care because at that moment, it is just you and the music. You completely let your guard down, become present with yourself, and fully express what you are feeling and what moves you without concern of being judged or ridiculed and it is an amazing feeling.

Some of you may not have had this experience from music but may have experienced this feeling of pure joy from exercise, dancing or loving. If you want a perfect example of this, just watch little kids. Watch the joy they get from everything they do because they are the magnificent expression of pure and untainted self. They haven’t been beat down by a society that dictates they must conform to societal norms. They represent much of what most people spend their entire adult lives trying to achieve – a comfort within their own skin where they can express an energy and a love of exactly who they are free from judgment – judgment of themselves and judgment from others. Stop trying to be someone who you think other people want you to be and stop trying to be someone else. The world wants YOU. Always remember – there will never be a better you than you. Maybe it is time you begin to experience the true joy that comes with being a full expression of yourself.

"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth.” - Mark Twain

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