Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Ultimate Key to Transforming Your Life!

How many of you are aware that over 2/3 of Americans are either overweight or obese? How many of you are also aware that we spend over $35 billion per year on the diet industry and in weight loss yet our collective weight as a country continues to climb? Words like “Adult-Onset Diabetes” are rapidly becoming extinct. A translation for “Adult-Onset Diabetes” would look like this: The continual choosing of poor lifestyle choices long enough to fry your insulin receptors and maintain an increased level of blood sugar in order to function in the pathological environment you have placed yourself in for an extended period of time. It was called “Adult-Onset Diabetes” because it took years and years for this to happen and was finally expressed as an adult, hence the name. “Adult-Onset Diabetes” is no longer being used and is being replaced solely with “Type 2 Diabetes” because we are destroying our bodies at such an alarming rate that kids are getting it and can no longer be called “Adult Onset.” Does anybody see something wrong with this picture?

When are we going to wake up and realize our health and quality of life is something we need to take responsibility for? What we need to understand is our quality of life is determined by the quality of questions we ask ourselves. If you want a successful marriage, are you going to study people who have been divorced multiple times and people who are unhappily married and find out what they do wrong, or are you going to study people who have been happily married for 30, 40 or 50 years? If you want to become rich, are you going to study people who are broke and find out what they do wrong and what mistakes they make, or are you going to study people like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet? Now for the third and final question: If you want to be healthy, are you going to study sick people and find out what they do wrong or are you going to study healthy people and find out what they do right? I hope the answer is obvious. The problem with our health care system is not a lack of technology because we have more technology than any country in the world. The problem is not a lack of money because we are the richest country in world. The problem lies in that we are asking the wrong questions! Our entire health care system is based on determining how to improve our health by studying sick people. The only way to improve our health, transform our quality of life, and create all the success we have always dreamed about is by asking better questions. What we have been asking ourselves are things like what’s wrong with me and how do I treat it, but what we should be asking ourselves is where does health come from and what are all of the requirements I need to express abundant health, energy, and vitality. This simple yet powerful shift in your mindset will produce unfathomable life-changing results. I’d like to close out with a quote by Anthony Robbins:

“You are now at a crossroads. This is your opportunity to make the most important decision you will ever make. Forget your past. Who are you now? Who have you decided you really are now? Don't think about who you have been. Who are you now? Who have you decided to become? Make this decision consciously. Make it carefully. Make it powerfully.”

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