Monday, August 24, 2009

Step Up To Your Greatness!

If you are truly being honest with yourself, are you really living up to your full potential? When you strip your life down to the raw fundamentals that make you, well…. you, are you giving everything the very best you have to offer? Are you just going through the motions or are you fully present with a laser beam focus on what is right in front of you? Do you live in the past and the future or are you living in the present moment? Is your time away from work spent relaxing and unfocused or are you so committed to yourself and your life that you study, read, and self-reflect even when you are not required to? Do you always go the extra step?

Yesterday, I entered myself in a work out competition put on by CrossFit Affliction. The workout consisted of rowing 500 meters, 25 24” box jumps, 400 meter run, 150 jump ropes, 25 135 lb dead lifts, 25 pull ups, 25 20 lb wall balls, 25 35lb kettle bell swings, and 25 burpees. The kicker was the competition was for time and it was in 100 degree South Florida heat. A powerful realization occurred within me about halfway through the work out. By this time, I could barely breathe and my body was yelling at me it just wanted to collapse. Every muscle in my body was screaming for me to stop and my lungs felt like they were going to explode. It was at this moment that I had to ask myself, “Who am I and what do I stand for?” To me, this crucial moment represented the rest of my life. Was I going to give up and retreat in the face of adversity or was I going to stare it straight in the face and conquer it? Was I going to limit myself to the boundaries of comfort and mediocrity or was I going to stand for something bigger and better? I persisted with a laser beam focus and an irrefutable and unconquerable commitment to not only complete the work out, but complete it with everything I had inside of me. I exploded through the finish with more power and more intensity than I began with. It was a huge victory for me. This represented an unwavering commitment to succeed and a certainty that whenever I feel like I am giving it my all, there is always a little more to give.

Everything and every moment counts. There are no ordinary moments. You have the opportunity to make every moment extraordinary. A world-class life is not developed during the 9-5. It is not formed by walking idly through life and going through the motions. It comes from making every moment count. Every interaction, every word, every choice, every thought, and every relationship counts. Are you a little better today than you were yesterday? Pick up that personal development book you have been meaning to read. Attend that seminar you have been meaning to go to. Get back to exercising the way you have been wanting to. Make a choice to create a better life for yourself and step up to your greatness!

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