Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.
- Archimedes
As I sit here in a quaint coffee shop nestled back in a side street of my new neighborhood, I can’t help but sit back and bask in gratitude to what this new adventure in a distant land has brought into my life. I came over to Singapore with a crystal clear mission, vision, and purpose for what I wanted to get out of this experience and it has yet to disappoint. I am fulfilling my wildest dreams. Does that mean everything has been smooth or easy? The answer is it couldn’t be farther from the truth. Let’s recap some of the trials and tribulations shall we. This has been my first day off in 6 weeks – and yes that includes weekends. On average, my working day has been anywhere from 12-17 hours. Even one Friday night I slept at the office on an adjusting table because I didn’t finish with work until 11:30 PM and needed to be back Saturday morning at 7:30 AM for a full day so rather than waste the travel time to sleep in less than optimal conditions, which I will discuss in just a moment, I chose to sleep at the office using a towel as a blanket. Oh yea, and my shower consisted of cleansing with baby wipes. The first month I lived here, my accommodations was an empty, gutted house ready for demolition. Any day I could have gotten the call, to vacate because the house was coming down. I slept on the floor on the mattress pad, lived out of a suitcase, and had no hot water or refrigerator. I got very little sleep and was even so tired one day I fell asleep on the floor of my office in between patients. I got lost several times and was late almost everywhere trying to figure out the public transportation system which is completely new for me.
To many of you, this sounds like less of a dream and more of a nightmare. What about this experience has made this a dream? Let me share. I have a beautiful clinic that was built for me that I walked into and is exactly what I envisioned. It is in an amazing location and I have an outstanding staff. Everyone of my practice and financial goals are either being met, exceeded, or being surpassed in ways I never even fathomed – which is expanding my consciousness of what is possible so I am in the process of re-evaluating and increasing my goals. Everyday people are walking into the office and sharing how their lives have been transformed since starting chiropractic care. I now live in a beautiful place with marble floors, a mesmerizing 250 gallon salt water fish tank, and live-in maid in a fantastic location. I have met some amazing people from all over the world and tasted exotic and mouth-watering food from all over Asia. I began this journey with a 5 day trip to Thailand consisting of a 3 day live-a-board cruise in one the most sought after scuba diving locations in the world – which was my first time ever diving by the way. Not a bad way to begin my scuba diving career!
You see, life is all about perspective. What do you continue to focus on? Your focus and perspective determine your reality. Do you want to know how to be miserable? Continue to focus on what’s wrong with your life. Do you want to know how to change that? Begin to focus on what’s right in your life. It’s all about perspective. Not all of us want the same thing out of life. Some of us choose adventure, uncertainty, significance, and risk whereas others may choose stability, certainty, and safety. Neither is better or worse or right or wrong. It is about finding what’s important to you. Define for yourself exactly what you want out of life and know your life can change in an instant if you only change your perspective. I have found for me that an unwavering faith backed by a steadfast determination matched by the right perspective affords me the opportunity to live the life of my dreams. And the beautiful thing is the same can be true for you.
Hi Doc,
ReplyDeleteIt seems to me that i am looking at Hercules... :)